Unlike container seedlings (seedlings in pots, cups, bags of humus), which can be planted at any time of the year, other bare-root seedlings are best planted in autumn. When planted in autumn, the seedlings have enough time to take root and establish a connection between the root system and the substrate. By spring, the soil has optimum moisture, which is a very important condition for the seedlings to take well. Seedlings planted in autumn move through the vegetation much faster than those planted in spring and do not need to be watered during planting. When planting in autumn/winter, care should be taken to do so when the soil is not frozen. Otherwise, planting can be done in autumn, winter and spring.
Before planting, the seedlings should be prepared. If the veins are damaged and dried out, cut them back to the healthy part and shorten all the other longer veins so that they are about 15 cm long. In the case of VINE seedlings, the veins are shortened to a length of approximately 5-7 cm. These preparations can be made a day or two before planting. The root system of the prepared seedlings is immersed in a container of water and kept in the container until planting.