Let me introduce you to Corchorus olitorius — commonly known as ewedu among the Yoruba, ahinghara in Igbo and rama in Hausa. It's quickly growing as one of the most popular vegetables all over West Africa, and here's why: it contains almost all of the nutrients needed by humans! Not only that, Corchorus olitorius is also known as jute mallow or nalta jute, and together with another Corchorus species - C. capsularis - it is primarily used for producing jute fiber for homes and business premises. But last but not least, the leaves and young fruits are used as vegetables, while the dried leaves are used both to make tea and serve as a soup thickener; additionally, its seeds can be eaten. There you have it — Corchorus olitorius: an incredibly versatile plant that provides us healthy food while at once being an essential part of our lifestyle.