It is a great friend of gardens and orchards, because its smell is not tolerated by various pests.
A Small Shrub of Great Help
Where elderberry grows, there are fewer pests within 10 meters. The root contains prussic acid, which is toxic to most insects, especially rodents, mice and rats. Therefore, these pests avoid the areas where it is planted.
We can use it as fresh or dried leaves, flowers and fruits. It is used to protect vegetables, fruits, various crops, as well as interiors and cellars. Flies and cockroaches also can not stand him. It is said that where the elder grows, the flies do not fly.
How to Use It?
Twigs are mulch in the garden, in the potato field they drive away a potato beetle, which does not tolerate the smell.
To prepare the remedy for potato beetle, you need to soak 1 kg of elderberry flowers in 5 liters of boiled and cooled water. The whole is left for 12-24 hours, then the liquid is filtered and used to treat the plants. The procedure should be repeated and the product should be prepared for each treatment. It works by its smell, which the beetles do not tolerate. If branches with leaves are used, they should be briefly immersed in boiling water. This acts on the release of fragrance substances.
It is very honey
Fruit solution is used against slugs and aphids. To prepare it, dissolve 550 g of crushed berries in 3 l of water and leave it overnight. It should be strained before use.
Against aphids, you can pour water over the elder leaves and let it stand for three days. This solution is used for treatment.
Leaves and young shoots are used to protect currants from moths. It is necessary to pour 1 kg of fresh material with 10 liters of boiling water and leave for 10-12 hours. This solution is also effective against codling moth.
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